Philosophy & Ethics

Purpose:  This park exists to serve the following needs:

  • To preserve open & undeveloped land with access to Nova Scotia's coastline.
  • To provide a secure, clean, comfortable location for guests to immerse themselves in the natural & elemental experience of the Bay of Fundy.
  • To deliver a living wage to those responsible for maintaining, staffing and operating these facilities.

 This business operates with positive intentions in a transparent, non-discriminatory and accessible manner, including:

  • Accurate representation of products, policies and pricing in all communication - electronic imagery, written & spoken word.
  • Readily accessible pricing information for all services and offerings.
  • Readily available policies presented in clear language.
  • Respectful, clear and pleasant spoken and written communication.


  • All staff members have trained in and practice clear, compassionate, truthful communication with guests.
  • Courteous and constructive guest feedback is welcome & appreciated.
  • Discriminatory, disrespectful, degrading, hostile or abusive treatment of any staff member is not acceptable and will result in uncompensated expulsion from the park.
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Our Guests Say...

A beautiful family campground – awesome facilities, clean, beautiful view! Will come back!

David Monk, ON

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