Full Service Sites - Vehicles up to 34'

Full service sites at the Cove Oceanfront Campground are arranged on two terraces overlooking the Bay of Fundy, and are available in either Standard or Premium (double or triple size) lots. Each site accommodates one camping unit, and provides certified drinking water, 30 amp power supply and sewer. Premium site lots will allow more creative parking options as well as an enhanced sense of privacy.

For guests camping with a 5th wheel, please provide an accurate measurement from hitch pin to rear bumper.

Site rates are shown in Canadian dollars. Applicable Supplemental Charges and Nova Scotia's Harmonized Sales Tax of 15% are additional.
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Our Guests Say...

Beth & Jack; Thank you so much for everything. We had a wonderful time – what a great spot! Next year we’ll come with more family.

Jane & Scott Schnider

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