Special Savings

Super Spring Specials

Valid for seaside vacations from May 8 - June 15, 2025

Complimentary Upgrade
This special offer applies to any stay of three (3) or more consecutive, paid nights of camping on the beautiful Bay of Fundy, and provides a Complimentary Site Upgrade one price category. 

Complimentary Combo Package
This special offer applies to any stay of four (4) or more consecutive, paid nights of camping on the beautiful Bay of Fundy, and it provides:
         - Complimentary Upgrade one price category
         - One Free Night after each four (4) paid nights

Sweltering Summer Specials
Valid for seaside vacations from June 16 - September 20, 2025

Weekly Specials:

This special includes a full-service site and access to all park services, including the heated pool. Weekly rates vary with rig size, location within the park, and the number of people in your party. Prices range: $441.00 to $819.00/week plus supplemental fees & HST.

Monthly Specials:

Available for July, August & September: Price begin at $1,795/month plus supplemental fees & HST.
Rates vary with rig size, site location within the park, and the number of people in your party. 

Contact us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for personal assistance with planning to make the most
of your
sweet, short summer get-away!

Fun-Filled Fall Specials

Valid for seaside vacations from September 22 - October 20, 2025

Complimentary Upgrade
This special offer applies to any stay of three (3) or more consecutive, paid nights of camping on the beautiful Bay of Fundy, and provides a Complimentary Site Upgrade one price category. 

Complimentary Combo Package
This special offer applies to any stay of four (4) or more consecutive, paid nights of camping on the beautiful Bay of Fundy, and it provides:
         - Complimentary Upgrade one price category
         - One Free Night after each four (4) paid nights

The small print:
* Discount applies to posted site rates
* Taxes and fees are additional
* Not valid in conjunction with any other offer or promotion
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Our Guests Say...

I just wanted to take a moment to drop a note to let you know how much we enjoyed our week at The Cove. Sunsets were absolutely spectacular! Facilities were awesome and we were treated with fantastic week of weather on top of everything else. We will be talking about this campground for a long time to come.

The Dufour Family, Montreal, Quebec

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