Full Service Sites - Vehicles 34' & Above

Premium Full Service sites at the Cove Oceanfront Campground are two to three times larger than Standard sites - providing sufficient space to comfortably accommodate vehicles from 34 to 45 feet in length. Premium sites may also be the preferred choice for any guest desiring a larger campsite, or parties who are utilizing both a camping vehicle and a tent. Premium sites are available in the Waterfront area directly on the Bay of Fundy, as well as Water View. Each site is equipped with certified drinking water, 30 Amp power supply and sewer.

50 Amp Power: If you prefer a Premium site with 50 Amps of power, options include sites #1, #3, #5, #7, #9, #35, #37, #58, #59, #61, #62 and #63. Details are included in each site description.

Site rates are shown in Canadian dollars. Applicable Supplemental Charges and Nova Scotia's Harmonized Sales Tax of 15% are additional.
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Our Guests Say...

Great service & friendly staff who were able to accomodate a site change for us with no problem. Amazing views, very relaxing atmosphere - we'll be back!

Adam Connors & Megan Wier, Stewiak, NS

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