Premium Sites #1 & #3

Adjacent sites #1 and #3 are full-service Premium sites located on the back side of the lower terrace. These sites are separated from the Waterfront area by the access road, and the view over the Bay of Fundy may be obstructed by guests occupying the Waterfront sites. These sites will accommodate one camping unit up to 42 feet in length, and are equipped with certified drinking water, 30 amp power supply, sewer, picnic table and fire ring. 


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Our Guests Say...

Beautifully maintained campground with wide open, fabulous views of the Bay. Great location for day trips throughout the area. We loved that there are no permanent/seasonal units here. Excellent staff. We had a wonderful relaxing 8 days at the Cove, and our next trip to Nova Scotia will include more days here!

Kathleen Perry, RVRamblers

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