Premium Site #1 with 50 AMP Power

Premium full-service site #1 is located on the back side of the lower terrace. This double sized site is separated from the Waterfront area by the access road, and the view over the Bay of Fundy may be obstructed by guests occupying the Waterfront sites. This site will accommodate one camping unit up to 42 feet in length, and is equipped with 50 amp power supply, certified drinking water, sewer, picnic table and fire ring.
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Our Guests Say...

My wife and I thouroughly enjoyed our stay (5 days) at the “Cove”. First impressions count and we were very pleased with our greeting and the help offered by the office staff. The view of the Bay of Fundy is FANTASTIC! The campground is immaculate, as were the showers and washrooms. We were also very pleased to see the staff making their rounds making sure all was well and in order. It certainly is our intention to return to the Cove Oceanfront Campground.

Charmaine & John LaFave, Ottowa, ON

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