Water View Site #78

Site #78 is a grassy, un-serviced Water View tent site of medium size. It shares a space with Site #77 and creates a convenient location for parties wishing to camp together while enjoying a beautiful view of the Bay of Fundy. This site combination is ideal for one small vehicle and one tent to camp side by side. As a single campsite it will accommodate one tent and a dining tent, and is equipped with a picnic table and fire ring. Drinking water taps, portable toilets and the common path to the shoreline are all within a short distance.
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Our Guests Say...

We just wanted to say "thank you" for our wonderful stay in Parker's Cove. Your campground was the best we stayed at while in Nova Scotia and we will certainly recommend it to others that may be traveling there. People in Nova Scotia were exceptionally friendly and laid back, which felt wonderful in this dog eat dog world we are in! Again, thank you for the stay and should we get to Nova Scotia again we will certainly make it a point to stop by!

Beth and John S., Vermont

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