Water View Site #78

Site #78 is a grassy, un-serviced Water View tent site of medium size. It shares a space with Site #77 and creates a convenient location for parties wishing to camp together while enjoying a beautiful view of the Bay of Fundy. This site combination is ideal for one small vehicle and one tent to camp side by side. As a single campsite it will accommodate one tent and a dining tent, and is equipped with a picnic table and fire ring. Drinking water taps, portable toilets and the common path to the shoreline are all within a short distance.
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Our Guests Say...

In over 20+ years of serious camping across Canada and the US, this is one of the nicest settings, best maintained, cleanest and friendliest campground we've stayed at! Many thanks - we will be back & will recommend your facilities to other Ontario travellers.

Doug & Mary Skelton, Ontario

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