Oceanfront Tent Site #90

Site #90 is a grassy Oceanfront un-serviced tent site of modest size - accommodating one small to medium size tent. It has direct access to the waterfront, faces West over the Bay of Fundy and enjoys unobstructed views of the sun setting into the ocean. The site is equipped with a picnic table and fire ring, and drinking water taps and portable toilets are a short walk away.
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Our Guests Say...

My husband and I have camped for over twenty-five years on the east coast of Canada and the US, and The Cove Oceanfront Campground was one of the best campgrounds we've ever seen. The facilities are terrific, our site was large, private and had an ocean view, what more could you ask for? Thanks to all the staff who made our stay this past summer so pleasant. We will definitely try to get back to The Cove.

Lynne and Trevor F., Montreal, Quebec

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